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Table 1 Questions asked in the post-user evaluation survey (survey 2)

From: The potential for computational IT tools in disaster relief and shelter design



Response options


How easy was the tool to use?

(Rate your answer 1 to 5; 1=very easy, 5=very difficult)


Was the number of inputs about right?

(1 to 5; 1=I would have been happy to input more data; 5 = the tool asked for too much data)


How clear and understandable was the input section of the tool?

(1 to 5; 1=very clear, 5=not clear at all)


How clear and understandable was the output section of the tool?

(1 to 5; 1=very clear, 5=not clear at all)


Can you imagine using such a design tool on any topic to evaluate existing shelter designs?

(1=such simple tools might be very useful, 5=such simple tools are unlike to ever be useful)


Can you imagine using such a tool on any topic to evaluate potential new shelter designs (remember, this is a general question about computer-based tools, not a question about a tool for daylight calculations or environmental impact assessment?

(1=such simple tools might be very useful, 5=such simple tools are unlike to ever be useful)


Might you ever recommend such a shelter design tool (on any topic) to your colleagues who work in the field?

(1=yes, frequently; 5=never on any topic)


In what form would have you preferred the shelter design tool to be?

a. Excel-based

b. Web application

c. Standalone interface (internet not needed)