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Table 4 Minimum requirements for female-friendly facilities

From: Pilot testing and evaluation of a toolkit for menstrual hygiene management in emergencies in three refugee camps in Northwest Tanzania


Household Toilets

Communal toilets

Public toilets (e.g., schools, clinics)

Bathing spaces

1. Access to water

✓ Tippy tap or handwashing station

✓ Handwashing station

✓ Handwashing station

✓ Water source close to or at the facility

Also consider means to carry water into the cubicle for hygiene needs.

2. Access to soap

Soap should be provided to households during distributions

Soap provided to households during distributions may be used

✓ Soap should be provided at the facility

Soap should be provided to households during distributions

Soap is needed to be able to wash the blood off the hands or menstrual materials. In public facilities, soap should be provided.

3. Adequate privacy





This includes a door, an internal lock/latch, sufficiently high walls/windows, privacy screens, and no gaps or holes in the structure.

4. Sufficient number of gender-segregated facilities

Household toilets are not generally gender-segregated




Male and female facilities should be physically separated, with clear and appropriate signage.

5. Acceptable and appropriate menstrual waste disposal mechanism*

Based on consultation, household toilets may or may not need in-cubicle waste disposal




This mechanism should be informed by direct consultation from girls and women as there are cultural sensitivities surrounded menstrual waste. Females should be provided with adequate education and materials if required regarding the available disposal mechanisms.

6. Provision of a light source to ensure accessibility at all times.



✓ (if the facility is open at night)


Where electric lighting is not feasible, handheld torches are an alternative.

Additional improvements can also include:

 1. Water access inside the cubicles





Direct access to water inside the stall can enhance privacy and comfort during MHM.

 2. A hook or shelf inside the cubicle





This enables girls and women to hygienically store their bags and personal items while using the facility.

 3. A mirror inside the cubicle or facility





A mirror, located at a low position, ensures that girls and women can check their clothing to confirm there are no blood stains, enhancing their confidence and dignity.

  1. *Provision should be considered to make the actual footprint of the cubicle slightly larger than male-only facilities to accommodate for MHM disposal design